5 Tips to Keep a Clean Toothbrush

Maintaining a clean toothbrush is always crucial in the battle against a multitude of dental issues, such as unsightly plaque, discolouration, and gum disease. However, the significance of keeping a pristine toothbrush becomes even more pronounced during the cold and flu season.

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Your toothbrush stands as the primary line of defense against these dental concerns, and brushing your teeth at least twice a day is paramount for optimal oral health. Yet, it's equally vital to pay attention to the cleanliness of your toothbrush. Consider this: our mouths harbor a plethora of microorganisms, and with each use, they can easily transfer onto your toothbrush.

Now, think about your toothbrush's current state: Did you thoroughly rinse it this morning? Is it stored properly? Perhaps it's time for a replacement? Regardless of how frequently or diligently you brush, the effectiveness is compromised if your toothbrush isn't kept clean and sanitary, a concern that becomes particularly pressing during the cold and flu season.


Here are five tips to keep your toothbrush as germ-free as possible.

① Rinse Thoroughly

Before and after each use, you should rinse your toothbrush under running water for approximately 10 seconds while gently running a clean finger along the bristles. This habit will remove any remaining toothpaste or debris from the brush, ensuring the brush head is clean and sufficiently dry before the next use.

② Ensure Proper Storage

If your toothbrush is stored in a container with another person’s brush, prevent cross-contamination by ensuring that the two brush heads do not come into contact with one another. Additionally, do not store your toothbrush in a cabinet or in any other closed area where the bristles cannot air-dry, as a moist environment is more conducive to bacterial growth.

Experts also recommend placing your toothbrush as far away from your toilet as possible. Potentially harmful bacteria from inside the toilet bowl can disperse throughout your bathroom each time you flush. Therefore, maintaining a distance of at least six feet between your toothbrush and toilet, as well as closing the lid while flushing, will help control the spread of germs.

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③ Clean Your Hands

Your hands carry a majority of the germs and dirt that you encounter every day. To ensure these germs do not come into contact with your toothbrush, experts suggest washing your hands with soap and warm water before even picking it up.

④ Fight Germs with Deep Cleansing

Both the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that there is insufficient evidence to advocate the use of commercially-available toothbrush sanitizers to avoid the spread of disease. However, while they may not prevent disease, they can help remove as much as 99.9% of germs on your toothbrush. To perform the occasional deep cleansing, invest in a sanitizer that utilizes UV technology to eradicate almost all microorganisms on your brush in between uses, or soak your toothbrush in an antibacterial mouth wash for several minutes.

In the past, some have suggested that placing your toothbrush in the dishwasher or microwave will sanitize it; however, these methods will most likely cause permanent damage to your brush and will simply decrease its effectiveness.

Family Care Dental Clinic - Health Tips - 5 Tips to Keep a Clean Toothbrush during Cold and Flu Season - Replace Toothbrush Regularly - North Vancouver, BC

⑤ Replace It!

Dental experts strongly suggest replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, or as soon as the bristles become visibly worn and frayed. Children’s toothbrushes need to be replaced more often, with the suggested lifespan of the brush averaging only two to three months.


Now that you know the best ways to keep your toothbrush clean and fresh, you can brush every day with confidence! Remember to do so each morning and night, and also be sure to schedule biannual check-ups with a high-quality dentist who can polish your pearly whites and keep your oral health in check.


Ensuring Your Safety

Following BC Provincial Health, the College of Dental Surgeons of BC, and BC Dental Association guidance, we've adopted new clinic standards to safeguard our patients and staff:

  • COVID-19 Pre-Screening: Before in-person appointments, we pre-screen all patients.

  • Personal Masks: During flu season, bring and wear your mask upon entering.

  • Hand Hygiene: Sanitizing stations and rigorous hand hygiene protocols are in place.

  • Enhanced Sanitization: Increased sanitization of high-touch areas and surfaces.

  • Limited Capacity: We observe physical distancing by limiting clinic occupancy.

Your well-being is paramount. Follow Health Canada and local health authorities' guidance for everyone's safety. Contact us for further questions or concerns. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated.


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